The Eye of God Graphic

This picture was taken by NASA
With their great Hubble telescope;
It's fittingly called The Eye of God,
It's flooding cyberspace's breadth and scope.

In more ways than we can imagine
The Lord reveals Himself in Nature;
Our God is not dead for He leaves
His unmistakable footprints everywhere.

The Word says He is our Creator,
His wondrous works we're left to ponder;
Their grandeur and awesomeness fill us
With great admiration and wonder.

The Holy Scripture says that His eyes
Run to and fro throughout the whole earth
To show His might to those whose heart
Is blameless toward Him and have great faith.

To His Church His eyes are as dove's eyes
Full of gentleness and peace and love;
This was written in the Book of Songs
To bring His people joy from above.

His eyes range thru the land's length and breadth
To bring help and comfort to His own;
Someday soon the Lord will take them all
To their Heavenly reward and home.

God's eyes are also a flame of fire
To those who abuse His love and grace,
Continue to live ungodly lives,
And wouldn't come to Jesus in faith.

They would be consumed by the brightness
Of His glorious second appearance;
Oh, sinners, why would ye not choose
To come to Christ in total repentance.

Today, is the day of salvation
The door of mercy is open wide;
There's no second chance to enter
His Ark of Safety--there's no where to hide.

So, let's come together and reason,
Let's read His love letters in the sky;
The eye of God watches us - let's prepare
For our Home in the sweet by and by.

Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004

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"Above the distractions of the earth
He sits enthroned; all things are open to
His divine survey and from His great and calm
eternity He orders that which His providence
sees best." --Ministry of Healing, page 417.

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The Secret Rapture

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