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The conquest of Jericho
Was an incredible feat
Not by the children of Israel
But by a God no one could beat.

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It goes to prove beyond doubt
That when faithful and true
God would do the impossible
For His people, for you.

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Disobedience to His commands
Would result in utter defeat;
Obedience guarantees that
Israel's sins we will not repeat.

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Among other things Achan coveted
And stole a goodly Babylonish garment,
And, sadly, for this grievous sin
Stoning to death was his punishment.*

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Unfortunately, there are Achans
In many church congregations today--
Selfishness, avarice, overreaching
Are not searched out and put away.

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Neglecting the needs of the poor,
Withholding tithes and offerings,
Profiting from unlawful gains all
Bring God's frown upon our gatherings.

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For a goodly Babylonish garment,
Many sacrifice approval of conscience,
Integrity, their hope of heaven, and
Shut out from their lives God's presence.

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When spiritual declension exists,
We must search out the Achans,
The goodly Babylonish garments
And put them away from our camps.

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Covetousness is a sin so common
It is often lightly regarded,
But let's put a watch upon the heart
And never leave it unguarded.

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"Ye cannot serve God and mammon,
Take heed and beware of covetousness,
Let it not be once named among you,"
But put away forever this wickedness.
(Matt 6:24; Luke 12:15; Eph 5:3)

Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004

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God's dealing with Achan might seem harsh and exacting, and some people believe that that is totally out of character with the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament who was loving, merciful, and forgiving.

Click on the URL below for more information on the attributes of God--that He is loving, patient and forebearing, but He is also just and holy, and He sets His limits. When the cup of iniquity is full, He will destroy.

The seven last plagues will be poured out without mercy on the impenitent and the ungodly.

Also, remember, that the God of the Old is the God of the New. Click here: The Harvest is Past

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