Before the War on Terror
I found it hard to grasp
That our civil liberties
Would deteriorate this fast.

The emails that we send
Are subject to being monitored;
Makes you really wonder
What next if any to be censured.

Our personal privacy
That we've so highly prized
Is slowly disappearing
For all is being scrutinized.

Our bank accounts are no longer
For our own eyes to see;
Our big brother Government
Is closely watching all activity.

The USA Patriot Act and Son
Undermine our liberties
Enacted because of a few
Jihadists and their atrocities.

I love our country so,
But I am greatly annoyed
At what's been happening
To the freedoms we've enjoyed.

I fear for America's future
And what it would bring
For it sure is getting harder
To let true freedom ring.

Our forefathers, sad to say,
Would turn in their graves
For what's become of the Land of the
Free and the Home of the Brave.

But God knows this is coming
His sages had prophesied so;
You can find out about it by
Clicking on Related Topic below.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
The Bible says, there is liberty;
Only this liberty we can count on
Not just for now but for all eternity.
Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004

Related Topic: The Real Hero