We vow to love each other, stars in our eyes.
The organist plays softly, wedding bells chime;
The tender look, the loving touch are captured forever
In a moment in time.

A beautiful child is born - a bundle of joy,
A cute little fellow, so delicate too;
He comes into the world, a gift from the Heavenly Throne,
Gingerly wrapped in blue.

Two a.m. feedings, stroller rides to the park,
Stringing beads, stacking blocks, drawing a straight line,
Story time, wildflower bouquets - these are all photographed
In a moment in time.

His first day of school - who would ever forget?
He's all eager to learn to read and to write;
He colors some pictures, and he creates figures with clay.
What a wonderful sight!

They say: Sugar and spice and everything nice
Are what little girls are made of - Kari Ann,
My beautiful, sweet little Angel, is taken in death
In a moment in time.

The day has arrived, the music is playing,
The students all decked in their blue caps and gowns;
The speeches are said, diplomas passed out, tears in my eyes--
A day for smiles, not frowns!

These events have passed - their memory remains;
Each scene, each character, the feeling sublime,
The sound of the music as well as the silence stand still
For a moment in time.

The highlights of life I remember so well,
God allows them - they're part of His plan divine
He loves me so much - 'tis written in His Book
In a moment in time.

The Time is fleeting the moments are slipping
Like catching waves on sand, sounds of a wind chime,
Or beautiful seagulls in their flight through the blue heavens
In a moment in time.

Sitting in my rocker, depressed and alone,
Feelings of gloom mount high like stairs to be climbed;
But tender, endearing scenes from the past lift my spirits
This moment in time.
Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004
One Moment in Time Midi