Reflections, reflections!
No matter where I go
I see them so clearly
And I don't like them so.

They do not tire any
For they follow me around;
When I don't want to show them
They come up so pronounced.

When engaged at work or play
And want to do my best;
They're there to hassle me
And put me to the test.

Negative character reflections!
They follow me everywhere;
In the sickroom or in traffic
They remind me they are there.

Others say they aren't there,
But to me they're so conspicuous;
I want to eradicate them
For they are not innocuous.

But it seems the more I try
The more I fail;
My efforts are all futile
They do not much avail.

Lord, I'm tired of reflections
Of filthy rags and wickedness;
I want to be clothed with
Your pure robe of righteousness.

So, to you, my precious Lord,
I direct this earnest plea:
Please help me get rid
Of all reflections of me.

In everything I do
Polish it with love and mercy
That others may see in me
A clear Reflection of Thee.
Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004
