I set out on the road of life
Walking briskly, proud and tall;
There's not a thing in the world
To cause me to stumble and fall.

I believe in a Deity,
Who loves and keeps me;
He's by my side here and now
And throughout eternity.

I love Him with all my heart,
A melody swells in my being
Honoring and glorifying Him
Who died to save me from sin.

I tell the good news of salvation
To my friends and family;
I want them saved in the Kingdom
With Jesus through all eternity.

Alas, one day unexpectedly
A blinding light struck me
And I knew all was not right.
"Lord, what could all this be?"

The Lord was talking to me
I heard Him clearly in my head;
I gasped with shock and disbelief
For this was what He said:

"Why are you persecuting me?"
"Me? Persecute you, Lord?
I wouldn't do that for I love you
With all my heart, mind and soul."

"You harbor anger, it grieves me so;
You need to be tender and kind,
loving, compassionate, forgiving
and forgetting all that's behind."

"I know you'll bring this up, Lord,
But he was mean, hateful, and abusive;
Besides that, this happened so long ago,
It's like a dream--so unreal, so elusive."

I argued and kicked against the pricks,
The Lord was patient from the start;
He repeated His words that struck
Like a sharp knife my prideful heart.

"Why, child, are you persecuting me?"
With contrition of heart I bowed
On my knees while the tears flowed
Watering the sod on the Damascus route.

Agape love filled my heart and soul,
Forgiveness to the man who wronged me
Was freely given, the burden was lifted,
My heart sang for now it was truly set free.

I no longer saw him as hateful and mean
But someone in sore need of grace--
Someone who needed a healing balm
And the Master's loving embrace.

Oh, the song of the soul set free--
Pleasant and pure, melodious and sweet
Redounding to the Glory of the
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The health of body and soul restored,
My many sins incalculable by an abacus
Were all forgiven when I met the Lord
On the road to Damascus.
Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004