BARABBAS OR JESUS? Which one was the people's choice? They picked the lowest of the low, And, oh, how he did rejoice! What happened to Barabbas After his release long ago? Nothing was recorded For us to really know. But, did the crucifixion of the Nazarene ever enter his head, And did it make an impact That Someone had died in his stead? I like to think that somewhere Down life's road he sighed And shuddered at the thought of how Close he had come to being crucified. I like to think that he grasped The import of what had transpired, That before his very eyes unfolded The prophecies of sages so inspired. Was he divinely led to read The prophecies in Isaias That from the tribe of Judah Should come forth the Messias? Did he read that He was wounded For the transgressions of the world And that the Messias' death Was for the redemption of his soul? And did he tell his incredible story To his children and grandchildren? And did they, too, believe that the Messias was the only Way to Heaven? Jesus, the innocent, was condemned, He, the guilty, was freed by choice; The sacrificial Lamb was offered, And for this all should greatly rejoice! But even if Barabbas died ungodly And went into a Christless eternity, We must pay heed to his story for There's a lesson there for you and me. We are all a type of Barabbas, Deserving the spear in the side, The rusty nails, the crown of thorns That spilt the blood on the crimson tide. We should have been crucified, Hung on the cross in disgrace; We should have suffered and died, But Jesus, God's Son, took our place. Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004 |