"Fair as the moon, clear as the sun
And terrible as an army with banners."
This quotation, from wise old Solomon, refers
To the Church whose God was the Planner.
The Church is organized for service--
God's appointed agency for the salvation of souls
To teach the unadulterated doctrines of Heaven
And be a watchman and light bearer in the world.
The Church is the only object on earth
That Christ bestows His supreme regard;
United with Him, she advances in her mission
To proclaim the Gospel and its heavenly reward.
Unselfishly, the work must be carried out--
Papers, tracts and books must be circulated
To warn the people of a soon-coming Saviour
And be ready - there's no need to be annihilated.
The battle with the powers of evil is fierce,
But the deeper the night for the Church of God,
The more brilliant the stars appear as the
Terrible army with banners marches forth on this sod.
The Church advances from victory to victory
Gloriously fulfilling her divine commission;
Nothing could withstand her onward progress
To tell redemption story to the uttermost regions.
Clad in the armor of Christ's righteousness,
She goes forth "as the morning, fair as the moon,
Clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners."
Then, her Lord will descend from His Heaven soon.
Christ receives His Church--"a glorious Church,
Not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing."
She's fair as the moon and clear as the sun;
All Heaven rejoices and all the bells ring.
Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004