In the Garden of Prayer
My soul loves to tarry;
I unburden the guilt,
The sins that I carry.
There I meet with the Master,
So loving and so sweet;
I bow humbly on my knees,
And worship at His feet.
There in blest, sweet communion,
He soothes all my fears;
He comforts and cheers me,
And wipes away my tears.
He teaches me patiently,
Oh, He's loving and kind;
His tender words will lodge
Forever in my mind.
Pure joys are abundant,
My kin and my friends bring,
But my greatest pleasures are
The times spent with Him.
Glory, Hallelujah!
Hosanna to the King!
Praise Him in the highest!
Let all His creatures sing!
So friend, you're invited--
The gate is ajar,
Come meet with the Master
In the Garden of Prayer.
Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004