Is God's Law that's eternal and immutable, Spiritual, broad, and deep in its scope. Christ came to magnify and make it honorable. Some people believe that this Law Is no longer binding upon Christians today; They teach that it should not be kept, But let us see what the Bible has to say. Yes, there's a Law that was nailed to the Cross The Ceremonial Law - a remedy for sin that was done. It contained ordinances that were against man Also called a "shadow of better things to come". This Law included various offerings and feast days-- Burnt offerings, meat offerings, feasts of booths Trespass offerings, feasts of unleavened bread Some were observed on annual ceremonial sabbaths. When Jesus Christ died two thousand years ago His Sacrifice, once and for all, is sufficient; We do not need the Ceremonial Law - it was abolished. The Blood of the Lamb is effective and efficient. In case you didn't already know, the Book of The Law--the writings of the prophets, the Torah-- Are a revelation of God and summarized succinctly Into ten brief yet broad precepts of the Moral Law. The Moral Law of God is never against us It's not grievous but a joy and great delight; We find that recorded in the book of Psalms, The Law was meditated upon day and night. "If you would enter into life, keep the Commandments" the rich young ruler heard From the mouth of Jesus Christ our Lord. To say the Moral Law is abolished is absurd. "To destroy the law and the prophets" Jesus, our Saviour, said He didn't come to do. He came to fulfill, to perform, to live the Law Leaving an example for me and for you. The Apostle Paul asked a pertinent question: "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid; yea, we establish the law." We establish the law is what the Bible saith. The Moral Law is the royal law--the law of liberty The Bible promises that to obey, we are blest; To disobey we are sure to reap a baleful of curses Why not obey and enter into His spiritual rest? "Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this Is the whole duty of man." "Keep my commandments And live; and my law as the apple of thine eye" Are wise counsels to ponder in our quiet moments. The Moral Law is a spiritual looking glass It reveals to us our sins, our covetousness; We turn to the Lord for mercy claiming His blood That cleanses us from all unrighteousness. The Apostle Peter wrote that to turn from the Holy Law is like a dog turning to his own vomit And the washed sow to her wallowing in the mire; I doubt if Peter believed the Law was obsolete. "Blessed are they that do His Commandments That they may have right to the tree of life And may enter in through the gates into the city" John wrote at Patmos under inspiration from Christ. The Old Covenant - is that the Ten Commandments? Nay! It was an agreement on how the Law was to be administered; The Old said "We, the people, will do it"; the New said "God will write the same Law upon the tables of the heart." Here's a question every child of Adam must ask: Is the Moral Law of Ten Commandments binding today? From all the texts given in this simplistic poem I think we'd better heed and obey, what do you say? Copyrighted © Lydia Haga 2004 NOTE: Scriptures references for all these stanzas can be viewed in the Source Document by doing a right click on your Mouse anywhere on the screen and then select VIEW SOURCE. Also included is a comparison between the eternal Moral Law of God The reason for Calvary was because of SIN--broken Law (1 John 3:4). The Moral Law of God could not be changed to save man. Jesus had to die. His death on the Cross satisfied both the Mercy of God in wanting the sinner to live and His Justice that demands the sinner must die (Romans 6:23). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |